Poetry Promise, Inc. could not do the excellent work that we do without the help of our wonderful and generous sponsors. Would you like to join these organizations in helping Poetry Promise, Inc. fulfill its mission?
Thank you to the following sponsors, both current and past:

Many programs have been funded, in part, by the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. A large private donation was provided by the Girl Scouts of Nevada and Ms. Lila Brisette. An additional important donation was provided by Barnes & Noble. Ongoing support has been provided by Lee Mallory, the Hydrant Club, Anonymous, Angela Brommel, Heather Lang and Alice Vo Edwards. In prior years, support was provided by Andy Hall, Commissioner Chris Giunchiliani, Commissioner Mary Beth Scow, Dayvid Figler, Ichabod’s Lounge, Nevada State College, Otto Merida, PaintThisDesert.com, Patrick Gaffey, Paul Michelsen, Robert Yarra, Silver Sevens Casino, Tina Eliopolus & Todd Moffett, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas Social Justice Council, Zeitgeist Press, and others.